Monday, June 23, 2008

Supermarine Spitfire Mk. Vb

Shooting Mode : Aperture-Priority AE
Tv(Shutter Speed) :1\60
Av(Aperture Value):8.0
ISO Speed : 200(Auto)
Focal Length :24.5 mm

The Supermarine Spitfire was a British single-seat fighter, used by the Royal Air Force and many other Allied countries during the Second World War, and into the 1950s. It was produced in greater numbers than any other Allied design. The Spitfire was the only Allied fighter in production at the outbreak of the Second World War that was still in production at the end of the war.

Produced by the Supermarine subsidiary of Vickers-Armstrong, the Spitfire was designed by the company's Chief Designer R. J. Mitchell, who continued to refine the design until his death from cancer in 1937; the position of chief designer was then filled by his colleague, Joseph Smith.

Shooting Mode : ShutterSpeed-Priority AE
Tv(Shutter Speed) :1\160
Av(Aperture Value):3.5
ISO Speed : 200(Auto)
Focal Length :18.2 mm

This picture is a replica of the Spitfire, since i am an airplane enhusiast i collect Disecast plane.
The Royal Air Force (RAF) is the air arm of the British Armed Forces. Formed on 1 April 1918 the RAF has taken a significant role in British military history ever since, playing a large part in World War II and in more recent conflicts. The RAF operates 853 aircraft and, as of 31 March 2008, has a projected trained strength of 41,440 regular personnel. The majority of the RAF's aircraft and personnel are based in the United Kingdom with many others serving on operations (principally Iraq, Middle East, Balkans and Afghanistan) or at long-established overseas bases (notably the Falkland Islands, Qatar, Germany and Cyprus).

The Royal Air Force has employed several versions of the roundel during its existence. The photo below has the Roundel from RAF, which has been on all surfaces from June 1947 to this day. A pale 'faded' version was sometimes used when applied over Anti-flash white. It is of Type D, in the Ratio of 1:2:3

Shooting Mode : Aperture-Priority AE
Tv(Shutter Speed) :0.4
Av(Aperture Value):5.0
ISO Speed : 200(Auto)

Focal Length :6.0 рдордо

Following the tradition of the other British fighting services, the RAF has adopted symbols to represent it and act as a rallying point for its members.

The RAF Ensign is flown from the flagstaff on every RAF station during daylight hours। The design was approved by King George V in 1921, after much opposition from the Admiralty, who have the right to approve or veto any flag flown ashore or on board ship.

RAF celebrated 90th Anniversary, Gibralter came out with commerative stamps on it. The photo below shows the RAF Ensign.

Shooting Mode : Aperture-Priority AE
Tv(Shutter Speed) :0.4
Av(Aperture Value):6.0
ISO Speed : 200(Auto)
Focal Lenght : 6.0 mm

Spitfire have always been unique for me, I remeber my childhood days when we used to create these planes out of cardpaper.

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